Projects and Training Programmes
CDNA library and gene analysis
Gene cloning and expression analysis
In-silico based miRNA and EST studies
Antimicrobial and Mechanism of antibiotic studies
Antibiotic resistance screening and resistant gene analysis
Isolation and Anti-inflammatory studies on primary PMBC cells
Immunomodulatory activity of natural products
Anticancer activity and mode of action analysis
Antidiabetic activity in adipocyte and liver cells
Relationship between Phenotype and Genotype Analysis
Advance PCR for Molecular Taxonomy
Cell culture maintenance and Toxicology
Genetic polymorphism and Diversity analysis
Drug discovery and In-silico docking of lead compounds
Workshop Programmes
Reverse Transcriptase PCR for Anticancer studies
Antimicrobial drug evaluation and gene expression
Fluorescent microscope study for apoptosis analysis
Modulation and regulation of biochemicals in different aged diabetic patients
Development of scar based markers for lifestyle diseases
Screening of natural products for betterment of mankind
Molecular taxonomy and biomarker analysis
Gene cloning and expression studies
Basic rDNA technology and their interpretation in advance biotechnology
In-silico based studies for anti-infective and anticancer metabolites